Secrets are reservations

14 September | Secrets are Reservations

14 September | Just for Today

Secrets are reservations

"Eventually we are shown that we must get honest, or we will use again."

Basic Text p.82

Just for today: I want the kind of recovery that comes from total surrender to the

program. Today I will talk with my sponsor and disclose my secrets, big or small.

Secrets and Surrender

Embracing Total Honesty in Recovery

In the journey of recovery, honesty is more than just a virtue—it’s a lifeline. As we navigate the path of sobriety, one of the most critical lessons we learn is that secrets, regardless of their size, can jeopardize our progress and wellbeing. Today’s meditation from the Just For Today series, dated September 14, poignantly captures this reality, emphasizing that "Eventually we are shown that we must get honest, or we will use again" (Basic Text, p.82). This concept isn't merely a guideline; it's a fundamental truth for sustaining recovery.

The Dual Nature of Secrets

Everyone harbors secrets. They come in varying magnitudes, from minor embarrassments to significant, life-altering truths hidden in the shadows. For those in recovery, both big and small secrets pose risks, but their impact can be surprisingly different.

Big Secrets

Large secrets are often more apparent in their danger. These are the deep, dark corners of our lives where we hide actions, past behaviors, or critical aspects of our past. They are the monumental issues that, if left unaddressed, can create a formidable barrier between us and our recovery goals. Such secrets can act as a ticking time bomb, threatening to undermine our efforts at any moment.

Little Secrets

On the other hand, little secrets might seem harmless in comparison. These are the seemingly insignificant details or minor truths we choose to withhold. Although they appear inconsequential, these small secrets can be just as destructive, if not more so, because they are often underestimated. We may tell ourselves that these little omissions are benign, but in reality, they contribute to a foundation of dishonesty that can gradually erode our commitment to recovery.

The Spiritual Implications

Regardless of their size, secrets represent spiritual territory we’re unwilling to surrender to the principles of recovery. This reluctance to fully embrace honesty and openness can be a significant barrier to our progress. When we hold onto secrets, we reserve parts of our lives to be governed by self-will rather than the guiding principles of our recovery program.

This reservation can expand over time, consuming more and more aspects of our lives. The longer we defend our right to withhold these secrets, the more damage we inflict upon our recovery journey. Secrets, big or small, undermine our spiritual integrity and keep us from experiencing the full liberation and peace that comes from complete honesty.

The Choice of Surrender

The crux of today’s meditation is a clear and compelling choice: we must either surrender everything to our program or risk losing our recovery. This means committing to a level of honesty that may initially feel uncomfortable but is essential for genuine healing.

Just for today, the goal is to strive for the kind of recovery that comes from total surrender. This involves confronting our secrets, regardless of their magnitude, and sharing them openly with our sponsor or trusted support system. This act of vulnerability is not just about confession; it’s about breaking free from the chains of secrecy that bind us and embracing a fuller, more transparent path to recovery.

Taking Action

To align with today’s meditation, take proactive steps towards transparency:

  1. Reflect on Your Secrets: Take time to honestly assess what secrets you may be holding, no matter how trivial they seem. Acknowledge their existence and their potential impact on your recovery.
  2. Reach Out to Your Sponsor: Engage in a candid conversation with your sponsor. Share your secrets, big and small, and be open to their guidance and support.
  3. Embrace Vulnerability: Understand that revealing your secrets is an act of strength, not weakness. It is a step towards reclaiming your life and reinforcing your commitment to recovery.
  4. Commit to Ongoing Honesty: Make a conscious effort to practice honesty in all aspects of your life moving forward. This will fortify your recovery and support your continued growth.

n conclusion, the path to lasting recovery demands a commitment to complete honesty. By confronting and disclosing our secrets, we relinquish the spiritual territories we’ve reserved for self-will and embrace the principles of our program. Through this process of total surrender, we not only safeguard our recovery but also pave the way for a more authentic and fulfilling life.

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