New horizons | Just For Today

12 September | New Horizons

12 September | Just for Today

New horizons

"My life is well-rounded and I am becoming a more comfortable version of myself,

not the neurotic, boring person that I thought I'd be without drugs."

Basic Text p.262

Just for today: I can live a well-rounded, comfortable life-a life I never dreamt

existed. Recovery has opened new horizons to me and equipped me to explore them.

Exploring New Horizons

Embracing a Well-Rounded Life in Recovery

September 12 – Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts

In today’s meditation from Just For Today, we explore the transformative power of recovery and how it opens up new horizons for those who embrace it. The meditation highlights the profound shift from a life of addiction to one that is rich with new opportunities, experiences, and personal growth. Let’s delve into how recovery helps us discover and embrace a well-rounded, fulfilling life.

The Misconception of a Dull Existence

For many who are new to Narcotics Anonymous (NA), the idea of life without drugs can seem daunting. The fear of leading a monotonous and unfulfilling life without the crutch of substances is a common concern. However, this fear is a misconception that recovery helps dispel.

In the throes of addiction, it’s easy to assume that life without drugs will be bland and uninspired. We might worry that without the highs and numbing effects of substances, we will be left with a dull existence. But recovery reveals a different reality—one that is vibrant, rich, and full of potential.

The Gifts of Recovery

1. New Relationships: Recovery introduces us to a supportive community of individuals who understand our journey. These new friendships provide a sense of belonging and connection that enriches our lives.

2. Personal Growth: Without the distraction of drugs, we have the opportunity to explore our true interests and passions. We may find ourselves pursuing hobbies, advancing our education, or embarking on new projects.

3. Stable Employment: Recovery brings the ability to maintain stable employment, which in turn provides financial stability and a sense of accomplishment.

4. Enhanced Experiences: We can enjoy life’s simple pleasures—attending social events, traveling, or engaging in activities we once thought beyond our reach.

5. Self-Discovery: Recovery allows us to discover who we are outside of addiction. We learn to embrace our true selves, free from the constraints of substance use.

mbracing New Horizons

As we progress in recovery, we find that our world expands in ways we never imagined. The rooms of Narcotics Anonymous offer a safe space to build self-belief and resilience. Equipped with this newfound confidence, we venture out to explore new horizons.

Life in recovery is not about longing for the past or fearing the future. It’s about actively engaging with the present and embracing the opportunities it offers. The freedom from addiction opens doors to a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

Just for Today

Recognize that recovery has granted you the opportunity to live a well-rounded and comfortable life—one that exceeds your previous expectations. Embrace the new horizons that recovery has opened up for you and explore them with enthusiasm and hope.


Recovery is not a descent into a boring or unremarkable existence but rather an invitation to explore a rich and varied life. By stepping away from addiction, we gain the freedom to build meaningful relationships, pursue personal growth, and enjoy new experiences. The transformative power of recovery helps us discover our true selves and embrace a future full of potential and excitement.

Today, celebrate the new horizons that have opened up to you and continue to explore the possibilities that lie ahead.

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