Bend with the wind | Just for Today

11 September | Bend with the wind

11 September | Just for Today

Bend with the wind

"We learn to become flexible.. As new things are revealed, we feel renewed."

Basic Text p.98

Just for today: Higher Power, help me bend with life's wind and glory in its passing.

Free me from rigidity.

Embracing Flexibility in Recovery

Bending with Life’s Wind

September 11 – Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts

In today’s meditation from Just For Today, we explore the concept of flexibility and how it plays a crucial role in our recovery journey. The idea of bending with life’s wind represents the transformative power of surrender and adaptability. Let’s delve into how embracing this flexibility can lead to a more fulfilling and resilient recovery.

The Rigidity of Addiction

During our active addiction, flexibility was a foreign concept. Our lives became rigid, defined by a relentless pursuit of drug-induced pleasure. The world around us, once vibrant and full of variety, was reduced to a narrow path of addiction. We developed a hardened shell, shutting ourselves off from the subtler, more nuanced experiences of life.

Our addiction turned every day into a battle against the looming threats of jails, institutions, and death. We fortified ourselves against these threats, but in doing so, we became increasingly brittle. We resisted change and growth, fearing that any deviation from our rigid routine might lead to disaster. Ultimately, this inflexibility contributed to our downfall, leaving us broken and defeated.

The Gift of Flexibility in Recovery

The paradox of recovery is that in our surrender, we find the very flexibility we had lost. Recovery invites us to let go of our rigid defenses and embrace a more adaptable way of living. Just as the wind shapes the landscape without destroying it, learning to bend with life’s winds allows us to remain resilient and open to new experiences.

In recovery, we begin to appreciate the subtler joys and variations in life. The flexibility we cultivate helps us navigate challenges with grace and openness. Rather than rigidly resisting change or fearing the unknown, we learn to flow with it, discovering new pleasures and possibilities along the way.

Embracing the Winds of Change

  1. Let Go of Rigidity: Surrendering our need for control and embracing flexibility allows us to experience life more fully. It frees us from the constraints of our old habits and opens us to new opportunities.
  2. Be Open to New Experiences: Life’s wind brings with it a variety of sensations and experiences. By staying open and adaptable, we can appreciate these new offerings and find joy in the diverse aspects of life.
  3. Respond, Don’t React: Rather than reacting with rigidity to life’s changes, practice responding with adaptability. This approach helps us navigate challenges more effectively and gracefully.
  4. Find Renewal in Flexibility: As we adapt to new situations and embrace change, we experience a sense of renewal. This continuous process of adaptation keeps us engaged and excited about our recovery journey.

Seeking Support from a Higher Power

In our quest to become more flexible, we often turn to a Higher Power for guidance and strength. Asking for help to bend with life’s wind and to remain free from rigidity allows us to align our will with a greater force, supporting our journey of growth and renewal.

Just for Today

Ask your Higher Power to help you embrace flexibility and bend with life’s winds. Embrace the new experiences and sensations that come your way, and allow them to renew your spirit.

In summary, the journey of recovery involves letting go of rigidity and embracing the flexibility that life offers. By learning to bend with the wind, we can navigate our path with greater ease and openness, discovering new pleasures and experiences along the way. This flexibility not only enhances our recovery but also enriches our overall experience of life.

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